AT&T Long Lines Information Sources


Bell System/AT&T Technical Books
Updated 6/23/06 22:06
Title Date Comments Have
Y Principles of Electricity Applied to Telephone and Telegraph Work (page images - Adobe PDF file, 36 MB)

Principles of Electricity Applied to Telephone and Telegraph Work (page images with searchable text - Adobe PDF file, 39 MB)
January 1953

More than a generic text on electricity and electronics, this book offers an excellent introduction to the telecommunications technologies specific to the Bell System.

This book is made available through the generosity of Peter Millett, who scanned the book and converted it to PDF. Mr. Millett's Technical Books Online web page offers free downloadable copies of additional classic works on electronics from the vacuum-tube era.

Text conversion processing courtesy of Phil Lapsley.

N Engineering and Operations in the Bell System 1977 (1st ed.) Y
N Engineering and Operations in the Bell System 1982 (2nd ed.) Y
N Telecommunications Transmission Engineering, Volume 1, Principles ? Y
N Telecommunications Transmission Engineering, Volume 2, Facilities 1977 Y
N Telecommunications Transmission Engineering, Volume 3, Networks and Services 1975 Y
N Transmission Systems for Communications 1971 (rev. 4th ed.) Y
N Switching Systems 1961 Y
N Fundamental Principles of Switching Circuits and Systems ? N
N TD-2 Repeater Maintenance Notes 1964 Y
N N1 Carrier OJT-52 Individual Development Package Aug. 1970 Y
N N2 Carrier OJT-59 Individual Develpment Package Jan. 1971 Y
N L Multiplex Training Course D 101 Student Package Apr. 1969 Y
N Principles of Electricity Applied to Telephone and Telegraph Work 1961 Y
N Microwave Radio / Overall Systems OJT-60 1980s? Y
N Microwave Radio Rules and Regulations OF0302A Mar. 1987 Y
N 200A Protection Switching OJT-58 Jan. 1971 Y
N Broadband Restoration Fundamentals Apr. 1972 Y
N 17CS Testboard Operation (Norway Plan) Plant Training Course OJT-8A Jan. 1969 Y
N Radio License Preparation / Second Class Radio Telephone Operator OJT-19B Sep. 1973 Contains only multiple-choice tests; no instructional material or answers. Y
N J68345A Transmitter Receiver Test Bay OJT-29 Dec. 1969 Instructions for operating the "45 test bay" used to test microwave radios. Y

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Updated on February 16, 2009 at 20:29 by Albert LaFrance